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Spring Cleaning: A Checklist for Air Conditioner Efficiency

Before you call for AC maintenance, or even better, before the weather gets warm enough for AC, you should double check to make sure your unit is operating properly.

Test to see what the problem is (if there is one!) Is it not working at all, not blowing cold air, or not cooling the house to the desired temperature? Then check controls like the plug, fuses, and cool setting on the thermostat. Then, check the actual unit for damage or excessive dirt and grime. Sometimes cleaning the unit can make a difference. If all else fails, it may be time to call in professional help.

You should also check and change your AC filter every few months to guarantee unit efficiency. While most AC units are outside, the filters are usually inside in your home’s ductwork or furnace unit. Check your owner’s manual (or Google it!) if you’re unsure. Make sure to check the filter for any type of brand or numbers/letters on it. You could also check your manual for the type of filter you’ll need. Be sure to check the size as well. Slide the new filter in and you’ll be cooler than ever in no time!

And finally, if your AC unit is functioning properly, it still needs maintenance! Here are a few things to look for in a properly maintained air conditioning unit:

  • Filters filters filters. Clogged, dirty, or broken filters block airflow and reduce efficiency. A clean filter can lower your unit’s energy consumption from 5-15%
  • Once a year you should check your AC coils, as they collect dirt and can reduce airflow just like a filter. The coils can also bend and block airflow.
  • Protect your unit in the winter. If it’s moveable, move it inside or to safe and dry place. If it is outside, cover it to protect it from the weather.
  • Check the Freon levels and recharge or patch up any leaks