July 13, 2023

Why Is My Washing Machine Overflowing?

An overflowing washing machine can quickly turn a mundane chore into a frustrating and messy situation. If you’re experiencing this issue, you’re not alone. This blog post aims to explore some common reasons why washing machines overflow and provide potential solutions to help you resolve the problem. Overloading the Machine One of the most common causes of an overflowing washing machine is overloading it with excessive laundry. When you overload the machine, it hampers the proper circulation of water and disrupts the balance during the spin cycle. This imbalance can lead to water spilling over the sides of the machine....

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All Temp Bear
July 12, 2023

My AC Is Running, but It’s Taking Forever to Cool Down the House

As summer temperatures rise, we rely heavily on our air conditioning. What do you do when your AC is running non-stop, but it seems your house is not cooling down as quickly as it should? Here are reasons why your AC may be struggling to cool your home, and provide practical troubleshooting tips to help you identify and resolve the issue. Check Your Air Filters Clogged or dirty air filters can significantly impact the performance of your air conditioning system. Over time, dust, pet dander, and other particles accumulate in the filters, restricting airflow and reducing cooling efficiency. It is...

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All Temp Bear
July 10, 2023

Know When to Replace a Toilet: 5 Signs It’s Time

Your toilet is one of the most essential fixtures in your home. Like other appliances, toilets have a limited lifespan and may eventually require replacement. Recognizing the signs that indicate it’s time for a new toilet is crucial to avoid potential problems such as leaks, frequent repairs, and water wastage. Here are five telltale signs that it’s time to replace your toilet and invest in a new one. Constant clogging and frequent repairs If you constantly battle toilet clogs, despite using a plunger or drain snake, it may be a sign that your toilet is past its prime. Older toilets...

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All Temp Bear
June 20, 2023

3 Signs of HVAC Damage After a Storm

After a storm, your HVAC system may be vulnerable to damage. Here are three signs to look out for that may indicate HVAC damage: No power or electrical issues If your HVAC system is not turning on or experiencing electrical problems after a storm, it could be a sign of damage. Storms can cause power surges, lightning strikes, or electrical disruptions that affect the electrical components of your HVAC system. Check if the circuit breaker or fuse related to the HVAC system has tripped or if there are any visible signs of damage to the electrical connections. Reduced airflow or...

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All Temp Bear
June 14, 2023

Should I turn off AC during summer vacation?

Turning off your air conditioning completely when you leave for a summer vacation is not recommended. Here’s why: Charlotte experiences high humidity levels during the summer. Turning off the air conditioning completely can cause excess moisture buildup in your home, leading to mold growth and potential damage to your furniture, walls, and other belongings. Running the AC at a higher temperature helps maintain a drier indoor environment and prevents these issues. The summer heat in Charlotte can be intense. Turning off the AC completely could result in high temperatures inside your home, potentially causing damage to sensitive items like electronics,...

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All Temp Bear
June 13, 2023

How to Protect Your Home Against Electrical Fires

Electrical fires are frightening and have the ability to destroy homes and even claim lives within short periods of time. Fortunately, you can take precautions to ensure better fire safety at home with the help of professionals. Schedule a Safety Inspection Even if the lights and appliances in your home appear to be functioning properly, you can’t necessarily know what’s happening behind the walls. Scheduling a safety inspection is a smart way to identify potential hazards and to receive expert guidance on what upgrades your home needs to promote better safety. This idea is particularly wise if the electrical system...

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All Temp Bear
June 8, 2023

Does Liquid Plumber or Draino harm your pipes?

Liquid Plumber and Drano are powerful chemical drain cleaners that effectively remove clogs in your pipes. However, these products can also be harmful to your pipes if they are used too often or if they are misused. The active ingredients in Liquid Plumber and Drano are typically strong acids or bases that work to dissolve or break down the materials causing the clog in your pipes. While these chemicals can be effective at breaking down the clog, they can also damage your pipes if they are left in contact with them for too long or used too frequently. The harsh...

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All Temp Bear
May 15, 2023

6 Reasons Your HVAC System Keeps Tripping Its Breaker or Blowing Its Fuse

Most residential HVAC systems are very reliable, especially if they aren’t more than 15 years old. Despite that, you may find your system has a tendency to blow a fuse or trip its breaker. While this can happen occasionally due to power surges, it signals that you may have a problem that needs attention when they happen regularly. Consider these six reasons your system may continue tripping its breaker, then call one of the technicians at to help solve it properly the first time. 1. Too Little Airflow One of the most common causes of tripped breakers and blown fuses...

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All Temp Bear
April 11, 2023

Common Causes of a Musky-Smelling HVAC System

Have you noticed a musty, unpleasant smell coming from your HVAC system lately? Musky HVAC smells are more than just an annoying inconvenience. They can also be a sign that something inside of your system is broken. Fortunately, most causes of a bad smell in your HVAC system are easy to fix. Once you discover the cause of the smell, you can get back to enjoying an efficient AC in no time at all. Here are some of the most common reasons your air might smell musky or stinky. Mold and Mildew in Your System The most frequent reason for...

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All Temp Bear
March 28, 2023

What happens if I skip my seasonal HVAC maintenance?

Skipping seasonal HVAC maintenance can lead to several problems, including: Reduced Energy Efficiency Your HVAC system will work harder to maintain the desired temperature in your home or business, resulting in increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. Poor Indoor Air Quality Dirty air filters and ductwork can circulate dust, dirt, and allergens throughout your home, which can cause respiratory problems and allergies. Increased Risk of Breakdowns Skipping maintenance can increase the likelihood of HVAC breakdowns, which can be costly. Reduced Lifespan of Equipment Regular maintenance helps extend your HVAC system’s life by identifying and fixing minor issues before they...

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All Temp Bear