December 17, 2018

How to Find the Best Furnace for My Home?

There are a few things you must consider before purchasing the best furnace for your home especially if you live in a cold weather climate. If you live in a mild climate like North Carolina, you are not as likely to see extended periods of bitterly cold weather. The three most important factors to look at are as follows: Size of House Your Heating By measuring the square footage, you will be heating during the fall and winter months you will be able to determine the correct amount of BTU’s (which is the amount of heat the furnace will put...

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All Temp Bear
September 30, 2018

3 Energy Efficiency Tips

There are so many things that you can do as a homeowner to improve the energy efficiency of your HVAC system. These range from small changes you can make on your own to bigger, more long-term upgrades and regular maintenance. Below are three of our favorite tips for keeping your energy efficiency in check. 1. Small Improvements Make a Difference Little things add up. Good examples of this include turning off and unplugging those electronics you don’t use all the time and changing your air filters on schedule. 2. Implement a Smart/Programmable Thermostat A bigger step toward energy efficiency comes...

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All Temp Bear
September 13, 2018

Smart Thermostats vs Programmable Thermostats: What You Need to Know

Is your home outfitted with an “old-school” dial thermostat? If so, then you, unfortunately, don’t have the ability to set heating and cooling schedules in your home, let alone control your air conditioner and furnace remotely. Upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat could help to improve energy efficiency, keep your home more comfortable year-round, and pay for itself over time in energy savings. Not sure whether a programmable or smart thermostat is right for you? There are a few things to consider. Programmable Thermostats A programmable thermostat is the next step up from your current dial thermostat; it has...

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All Temp Bear
July 14, 2015

Save Energy through Duct Testing and Sealing

Did you know that in the average home, up to 30 percent of heating and cooling energy is lost through the duct system? This means conditioned air is lost through leaks and poor connections, escaping the system before it ever reaches your living areas. Air loss through your duct system is a huge waste of energy; imagine how much you could lower your energy bills if you resolved this issue! Signs Your Ducts Aren’t Performing Properly Though their installation locations make them harder to assess visually, there are some tell-tale signs which point to poor duct performance: High utility bills...

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All Temp Bear
June 1, 2015

Insulate Your Home for Comfort and Energy Savings

A lack of insulation is a major problem with today’s homes, often causing homeowners to lose heating and cooling energy. Insulation issues cause temperature and comfort control problems, as well as contribute to higher energy bills due to energy loss. Adding insulation to your home is a home improvement project that will pay for itself in increased energy savings. Where should insulation be added? The most common areas where homes are lacking insulation is in the attic, between walls, floors above unconditioned areas such as a garage or basement, and in crawlspaces and basements. Heating and cooling energy can escape...

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All Temp Bear
August 1, 2014

Programming Your Thermostat for Energy Efficiency

Thermostats used to come in one shape and one size. Today, the sizes are smaller, the technology smarter, and the programs easier. Honeywell has a new Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat that enables programming on the go. It features: Control from anywhere: computer, tablet, smartphone, in the house or across the country Color touchscreen: customizable to fit your mood, favorite color, house theme, etc. Flexible Programming: Different options for residential or businesses Auto Alerts: Extreme temperature alerts and filter change reminders are sent to your device, including an indoor humidity sensor The App: Honeywell’s app is highly rated and backed by their network...

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All Temp Bear
May 6, 2014

Spring Cleaning: A Checklist for Air Conditioner Efficiency

Before you call for AC maintenance, or even better, before the weather gets warm enough for AC, you should double check to make sure your unit is operating properly. Test to see what the problem is (if there is one!) Is it not working at all, not blowing cold air, or not cooling the house to the desired temperature? Then check controls like the plug, fuses, and cool setting on the thermostat. Then, check the actual unit for damage or excessive dirt and grime. Sometimes cleaning the unit can make a difference. If all else fails, it may be time...

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All Temp Bear
January 2, 2014

Top 5 Energy Vampires, How to Slay Them This Winter

One of the easiest ways to cut power consumption this winter is to stop the energy vampires in your home from draining electricity 24/7. It’s likely your home is populated by appliances and devices that use standby power, even when they’re not running. Anything that uses a timer or has a clock is draining electricity when it’s plugged in. The top five offenders include: Computers – Computer monitors use more power than the CPU itself, but it’s easy to set the system so it goes to sleep after it sits idle for a short time. Set the computer to sleep...

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All Temp Bear
December 23, 2013

Are the Disadvantages of Geothermal Outweighed by the Benefits?

Any homeowner considering a shift to geothermal heating and cooling should take the time to carefully evaluate both the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal systems. Though there are some notable disadvantages to geothermal heat pumps, they’re easily outweighed by the significant advantages in efficiency, performance and economical operation that geothermal heating and cooling provide. High cost of installation – The initial investment in a geothermal heating and cooling system can be substantial, often several thousand dollars more than a comparable furnace, air conditioner or heat pump. Geothermal installations are more expensive because they require significant digging and trenching. This earth-moving...

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All Temp Bear
November 13, 2013

9 Tips to Boost Wintertime Home Energy Savings

If winter gives you the energy bill blues, there are several things you can do to maximize the warmth in your Concord home without breaking the bank. These nine tips will help get you started on wintertime home energy savings. 1. Schedule furnace maintenance. A yearly tune-up will increase system efficiency, lower your heating bills, help prevent breakdowns and extend the life of your equipment. 2. Install a programmable thermostat. Properly installed and programmed, a programmable thermostat can save you a considerable amount of money by maintaining lower settings at night and while you’re away. 3. Use your ceiling fans....

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All Temp Bear